Saturday, July 7, 2012

1 year anniversary

And what a year it has been.

A year ago, I was pregnant, and we thought my son was missing part of his brain. I was angry. I was hurt. I was scared.

What were we going to do? No one knew what to tell us. No one knew what the outcome would be.

We had only a few days to decide if we wanted to keep our baby or terminate due to a disease.
This is a decision that someone does not prepare themselves for. No one should have to make this decision. It was the hardest decision of our life.

For two and a half months we had numerous appointments filled with MRI's, ultrasounds, doctor visits, blood draws. I ended up having gestational diabetes. I had to do daily blood tests. I had to watch what I ate.
I ended up being induced early because he wasn't growing.

For two and a half months, I cried. I worried. I was angry and scared.

And after two and a half months of fear, worry, anger, sadness, wonder and waiting...
I gave birth to a little boy with Spina Bifida.

A permanent diagnosis was a major curve ball. We weren't ready for this....

...but I wouldn't have changed anything for the world.

I'm glad we made the right choice.


1 comment:

  1. Love you...Chase has changed all of our lives for the better and we wouldn't change it for the world. We may not know him but we know him and only some of us will understand that. ;-)
